Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Reformers

Previously I have discussed some of the mistakes the reformers have made.

So what should the reformers now do? Well first of all if we do not loose any seats this year we should acknowledge that the Chairman knows what he is doing and then shut up.
However, that scenario while it has attractive qualities to Republicans is probably unlikely.

Just for the heck of it let us assume that does not happen. The party will then be in tatters and if the reformers play there cards right they could wind up in a very influential position and rebuild the party.
To get there here is the road map they should follow.

1. ORGANIZE. That's right form an organization dedicated to working to reform the party from within. Get a name. Elect officers and have members. Do it all out in the open. If we hang at least we will all hang together.

2. Develop a platform. Have a meeting and reach a consensus on what reforms you want adopted.

3. Don't trash mouth other republicans, talk issues not personalities. OK I know some of you are saying look whose talking. Yes I have been intemperate at times in my commentary but what has it accomplished for any of us? I have seen the light (for now). Additionally it has left us open to criticism. There are exceptions to every rule. Some people seeking power are so loathsome that a light must be shined on them but in all honesty many of us have abused the exception.

4. On the other hand be careful of who you associate with. Make it clear to those who wish to ally with you must buy into your platform. They can not join you and continue there double dipping patronage job giving funny money raising ways. Also do not let the loony tunes (and we have a few, like guys who think they are dead presidents)) take control of your organization. Be careful there are those who will associate with you for the wrong reasons. Now that does not mean someone who was part of the system and was working it can not see the light. We are all capable of repentance and redemption.

5. Get on the county committee and get people who are like minded on it. I am not suggesting that you try to take over a town because you do not like the municipal chair. That will ignite a war we do not need. But every town has vacancies or people who want to retire. An occasional contested district never hurt anyone but do not over do it. There are already a fair amount of people on the committee who will follow you.

6. Finally someone or preferably some people will have to be willing to step up and take a leadership role in both the organization and ultimately (hopefully) the party. It will be a thankless aggravating and frustrating job but someone will have to do it.

This is what it will take if the Monmouth County Republican party is to be rebuilt into what it should be.


Blogger Honest Abe said...

"Also do not let the loony tunes (and we have a few, like guys who think they are dead presidents))..."


3:06 PM  
Blogger Teddy Roosevelt said...

Now don't get upset Abe I was just engaging in a little self deprecating humor.

9:59 AM  
Blogger Art Gallagher said...

Well done TR. I'm all in for the new organization.

You once posted that a certain dead Secretary of State should be chairman. Today I return the favor and suggest you as the chairman of the new organization.

Along the lines of your "we need a new kind of party" sentiment, I think this new organization should appeal to like minded Democrats.

I had lunch with a very prominent Monmouth County Democrat last week. We agreed on all but 2 of the many issued we discussed. One of the two was that a certain Republican elected official shouldn't even be opposed in the election...that was his posistion, not mine.

The Ds and the Rs have powerful factions that are in it for the money, and they are already aligned with each other. For example, Bill Barham appointing Ed McKenna as a county counsel.

For the most part, reform minded Ds and Rs don't talk to each other. That needs to change, or the money grubbers will always keep the power.

2:30 AM  
Blogger Honest Abe said...

OK :)

7:40 AM  
Blogger Teddy Roosevelt said...

Art, Once again thank you for your kind comments. However having already held the highest office in the nation I am not interested in holding any other offices ;)

As for working with Democrats well I do not want to insult anyone so I shall keep my deeply ingrained prejudices concerning that party to myself and simply say that if any democrats agree with me they are free to change parties. As I said anyone can find redemption. Even Democrats!

6:31 AM  
Blogger Teddy Roosevelt said...

PS your comment about McKenna is interesting. Mr. Barham would argue that Mr. Mckenna was appointed to benefit the county.
He has connections at the state level that would be helpful.
He would say he is engaging in bipartisanship and doing the right thing.
Of course their long friendship has nothing to do with it.
I am definetly NOT a Mckenna fan. In that case you could argue that the D after his name stands for demonic not Democrat.
I think I am starting to see your point if the dark side creates alliances we should too.
HMMM I don't know,I am still having issues about working with Dems.

6:42 AM  
Blogger Art Gallagher said...

HMMM I don't know,I am still having issues about working with Dems.

I understand how you feel, having been there.

It was amazing last week. After I had lunch with Vic Scudiery I didn't feel dirty at all. I felt as though I was getting to know my neighbor better. That we have more in common that not.

9:27 AM  
Blogger Art Gallagher said...

One more thing on the parties.

It's only us idealists who think the parties have anything to do with ideology. They are really about money now a days.

Like you said, we need a new kind of party.

9:33 AM  

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