Monday, June 25, 2007


We looked at how we wound up where we are but what is the lesson. What do we do now

Let me say that I do not have the wisdom of Solomon (my wife reminds me of that on a regular basis) so I may be off base on this. That said, here is my take.

We have a tough election cycle ahead of us. It is not because we do not have good candidates. In fact we have some really outstanding candidates this year. However we continue to get hammered in the press. The independent voters no longer trust us and the Dems smell blood in the water.

We must convince the public that we are the party who will best look out for their interests. We know that is the case. Lets face it both parties have corruption but the Dems have always been willing to look the other way when a popular Democratic politician is corrupt. Republicans have always been tougher on there own kind, and rightly so.

However to win back the trust of the voters we must take radical steps. The people of not only this county but the country are fed up with politicians a new paradigm is called for.

So here is my program for the party.

1. Some Mea Culpas are required. Elected officials and party officials alike need to make a "some mistakes have been made speech" I do not have to say who. You know who you are.

2. The party should adopt bylaws. Prove we are dedicated to openness and democracy by ruling our own house that way. I have some ideas for this that will be the subject of a future column.

3. Adopt a platform that says cronyism will not be tolerated. The best person for the job will get it. That does not mean if the parties are equal that the one who volunteers for the party can not get the job. It means that we will look for the best candidate for the job and not give it to someone who will not (or does not) get the job done just because they are friends with a politician or did some favor for the party. Besides how often will you be unable to find a republican who is not more qualified then a democrat. Of course the hard part will be getting our elected officials to follow this but it must be done.

4. Adopt a platform that says no elected or appointed official shall be allowed to double dip in the pension fund. If someone has a position that puts them in the pension system and they want a second job they should be told no unless they are willing to opt out of the pension system on one job. We do not have to wait for Corzine to get legislation passed. We can police ourselves.

5 Elected officials should not hold two offices. Tell them if they insist on doing it the party will not support them.

6. Be open about fundraising. Tell the public we will follow the letter of the pay to play laws but we will go one step further. Set up a website where within 48 hours of receipt of a donation any donation over $100 dollars will be posted along with who donated it and who their employer is. Require all candidates within the county to participate. Then Double Dog Dare the Democrats to follow suit.

7. Zero tolerance for even the appearance of impropriety. Have a special committee made up of people who make no money off politics (and whose family members make no ) who can review questionable actions by elected officials. If they find that it even looks bad the politician should be told shape up or else. Lets police ourselves before the newspapers do and not let someones arrogance bring down the whole party.

8. Finally the no brainer. we must take serious steps to reduce spending. There are one hundred ways to do it. Be creative.

Radical? Incredibly stupid? Utterly Insane? A recipe for disaster? All of the above?

Perhaps. But perhaps we have nothing to loose except a political system that nobody trusts anymore.

next up" The Reformers?"


Blogger Art Gallagher said...

I'm with you, but don't see it happening.

Groups 2 and 3 have the power and think they can win this year. They've been working harder on neutralizing Group 4 than they have been working on defeating Democrats.

With a few exceptions,(you and me among them)Group 4 has taken a "let it burn" stance for this year and are planning to pick up the pieces and make something of the party after the defeat. This won't work, because Groups 2 and 3 will also be fighting for the power on the rebound. Groups 2 and 3 will always fight for the money.

The answer lies in your post on my blog in early June:

"We need to be united in a new purpose. The people of this county ney the state and country hunger for a new type of party.

A party that is truly dedicated to rooting out corruption and back room deals. I do not mean the big your going to prison if caught corruption. Every party is against that. I speak of the minor corruption like cronyism and pork barrel spending which infect all levels of government. I speak of the corruption of purpose where what matters is no longer what's best for the public but what is best for getting a politician re-elected so that they can remain powerful and their ego be gratified."

In order for this to happen, Group 4 needs to get bigger, bring new people into the fold and make cross party alliances. Groups 2 and 3 already have alliances with their Democratic brethren.

5:36 AM  

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