Tuesday, June 12, 2007

How did we get here?

This is an interesting question. How did the Monmouth County GOP wind up where it is today? The story starts at the roots of corruption.
I will confess that 5 years ago I never would have suspected the corruption that was uncovered in operation Bid Rig. I was naive. I thought that type of corruption was for the most part relegated to the more urban areas of our state. I have been disabused of that child like innocence and as a result have become more cynical and less trusting of politicians.
But how did it happen? Two simple words explains that; “COMPLACANCY” and “ARROGANCE”. We became complacent. We won elections again and again with ease. Plus, life was good in Monmouth County. We did not dare question the godlike figures who gave us these victories and returned them to office again and again. Of course some malcontents would sometimes question the powers that be. But even they would not question loudly. This led to those powers becoming arrogant. They where entitled to what they could get. Most times legally. Pension padding, triple dipping, cronyism were all quietly accepted practices. Some engaged in more clear cut corruption. In our complacency we turned a blind eye to these questionable activities and besides we told ourselves that the Democrats would be worse. (Truth be told they would be at least no better)
It is actually a very old story certainly not limited to any one geographic area or any one party. It appears that it is a deep flaw in human nature. Along with not being able to learn from history.
But that does not begin to explain how we became the fractured weakened party that we are. We could have easily recovered from Operation Bid Rig and we still can. But first (and in a future post we will) we must continue to search for how we got to the point we are at.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have given this much thought myself. Many of us, like you, were in fact naive. But, in addition, what I have come to realize that the "status quo" worked also due to the fact that there has always been a long line of people who kept quiet with the hope that they would "be next" to gain the benefit of the system in place. This applies not only on the county level here in Monmouth but in Middlesex with the Ds in charge and in the State, no matter who is in charge. Just check to see how many professionals at the municipal level have "salaries" set at $3000 and then bill thereafter. I am no lover of the APP but I applaud it on the attention to the robbery of the esisting pension system.

Many people have been quiet as they hope to be able to "get in on" the system. This should stop at the county level and by our candidates for state office. would I like a cushy job/chance for a big pension? Sure, but... I care more for integrity and economic responsibility for all for the good of all. I have always looked at the bigger picture and hoped and prayed that those in power would do the same over self interested people.
Too often this has not happened. The Republicans should be the leaders on this (and despite the shortcomings I have seen MUCH worse abuses by the other party at all levels of government).

6:26 PM  
Blogger Teddy Roosevelt said...

so very true and guilty as charged.
But I think some of us have had a conversion on the road to Damascus.
The question is are their enough of us.

7:44 PM  
Blogger Art Gallagher said...

The question is are their enough of us.

Not yet, but we have our mission.

5:18 AM  

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