Monday, September 17, 2007


Just arrived back from the dark continent last last night.

Had a Bully of a good time and I obtained some excellent specimens for the museum. One bad run in with a Cape Buffalo but did not see anything as dangerous as a NJ politician with his hand out!

In perusing the web and the pile of newspapers I see a number of interesting things happened while I was otherwise engaged.

Anna Little is running for Mayor of Highlands with the blessings of Chairman Puharic. But really could you have imagined the party implosion if he had said no. In any event we wish Ms. Little Good luck.

Another controversial county pol Terrance Wall seems to have suffered a blow to his political aspirations. I give him credit for getting smarter as he ages. Instead of going down fighting he quietly resigned his position as administrator in Keansburg. This quickly ends the matter with no controversy. I ask however; with the political history in Keansburg being what it is who in there right mind would apply for that job at this time?

More corrupt politicians busted around the state. If you are a prosecutor in NJ specializing in corruption cases you certainly have job security.

New editor at the APP. More on that later.

The big story for me is ethics reform in Monmouth County. The "Party Leaders" finally woke up and realized what Anna Little and other reformers were saying was good politics. A brick wall does not have to fall on them any type of wall will do.

Then I came across Kate Mellinas editorial in yesterdays paper. Message to Ms. Mellina.
NOBODY LIKES A SORE WINNER! That was in really poor taste and very bad politics.
Only about 5% ( is that overly generous?) of politicians do things because it is the right thing to do. Most do things because it is what they believe will get them re-elected. (yes I know I am cynical. Hang around politics as long as I have and see how you get) That being the case it does not make sense to beat them after they do the right thing. You want to encourage politicians to do the will of the voters, That is part of the job description. Let me hearken back to when less enlightened methods were used to train animals. If you smacked your dog whenever he barked he would eventually stop barking. If when he stopped barking you continued to smack him he would start barking again and eventually he would probably bite you.

Rob Clifton is very astute. He realized reform was the smart thing to do and he struck at a time that would give him maximum benefit and when he knew he had the cards to win the hand.
He deserves to be given a bone not smacked. So here is a bone from TR. Good Job Rob.


Blogger Art Gallagher said...

Welcome back Mr. President

6:55 AM  
Blogger Barry Goldwater said...

Right on the Money.

7:00 AM  

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