Saturday, March 29, 2008

Calling Rick Ambrosia

A while back another blog poster Rick Ambrosia and I had a little tit for tat about a comment he made something along the lines that he did not believe Declan Oscanlons promise that his telecom consulting company would not take government contracts within his legislative distrct.

I chastised him for recklessly throwing around allegations and said when Declan did keep his promise I would publicly request an apology.

According to Red Bank Green Declan went one better.

I think now would be a good time for that apology Mr. Ambrosia.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Congratulations Mr. Curley

I have been thinking about what Mr. Curley's win means. I think it says a lot about the mood of the rank and file. They clearly wanted a firebrand. Someone who wants to change the way business is done and is not beholden to political bosses. Although he was not my choice for philosophical reasons I do think he will be a very effective candidate.

Questions; will the Republican leaders take the hint or if he gets elected and starts bucking them will they start treating him like another Anna Little? Will the Freeholders get the message and radically change the way business is done. (admittedly they have improved but they still are making tone deaf decisions). Will the Republican Freeholders learn to work together or will they continue to have there little power struggles. let us hope the answers are No, Yes and choice #1.

BTW this is not meant to suggest I think Serena DiMasso is beholden to political bosses. Although some may have had that impression I do not believe that to be true. She does however have a different approach and temperament. I think she would also have been a good choice and I hope she tries again down the road.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

A Little Rant

The Asbury Park Press had an article today about the Monmouth GOP getting ready to choose a Freeholder canddidate.

The Article had this to say,

"A vote by a party screening committee in February left Curley, DiMaso and former Freehold Township Zoning Board of Adjustment member Steven Walsh in a virtual three-way tie. Party chairman Adam Puharic could have selected one of the candidates as Burry's running mate but instead chose to have convention delegates pick between Curley and DiMaso.
"It is working out extraordinarily well with good dialogue taking place. We have a pretty thorough vetting process that has allowed the cream to rise to the top," Puharic said. "Those with good strong resumes and plans are coming forward.""

Not that I think he would win or was the best candidate but if Walsh got an equal number of votes from the vaunted screening committee why should he have been excluded by the Chairman? because Adam thinks so. Yeah I trust his judgment.
Sure the rules permitted Puharic to choose just one because he made the rules that is why he could disregard them.

The vetting process allowed the cream to rise? Just who did the vetting process prevent from running? Exactly how are they vetted other then the screening committee deciding who is the smallest risk to their power base. Since previous Freeholders were not "vetted" I am still waitng for an explanation of how this process would have made for better results in the past.
Lets hear it!

I will harp on this to my last breathe.

The process is undemocratic and is only to protect the powerbase of those who are in politics for self interest.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


It is with great regret that I must inform my loyal readers that as of May 1, 2008 I must cease blogging activities.

Business requires me to go to the Sub Continent for at least a year and possibly longer.

As I do not beleive it will be possible to blog about Monmouth County Politics from that great distance because I will be unable to keep my ear to the ground, the last blog entry shall be on May,1 2008.

Until then let us see how much trouble I can get in.


Monday, March 10, 2008

Oh Yeah and one other thing "Less Legislators"

Another thing in the paper I forgot to mention Carl Golden had a great editorial on reducing the assembly to one member in each district to cut costs.

I will go one better, a Unicameral Legislature. Since the NJ Supremes ruled that state senators can not be elected by County but must be in a legislative district there is really no need for them. We could save a lot with just two Assembly representatives elected every three years.

Can you you imagine politicians doing away with an elected office that they can milk.

HaHaHaHa that would never happen. Another thing will never get without I & R.

Stuff in the paper the last couple of days. The Asbury Park Press does not like the choices in the Republican primary for U.S Senator. They think they are too conservatives. TOO Bad. Maybe we should drag out Christy Whitman to run. Last time she got elected it worked out so well. She gets as much blame for the current fiscal mess as the rest of our past 4 Governors. I say lets give voters a real choice this time. A died in the wool conservative versus one of the most liberal senators around.

Next over the weekend Anna Little was vindicated ...AGAIN... with the creation of an economic development committee to attract business to Monmouth County. This is a response to the Fort closing and a number of large employers leaving the area , like Bell Labs . I am concerned that the committee seems comprised of academics and politicians. How about a couple of real live businessmen.
Start ups are the way to go. We have a lot of talent in this area and an incubator could help a lot of new businesses take off.
Unfortunately it looks like the Fort Monmouth redevelopment is short on that type of thing and long on housing and retail. Just what Monmouth County needs. (he said in a voice dripping with loathing and sarcasm)

The Democrats picked their candidates for Freeholder. I will not give them free publicity by mentioning their names. I will say that if we can not beat them both we should just pack up our bags and slink out of town.

Happy Monday!

Monday, March 03, 2008

More Democrats! EEWWWW

So today's Asbury Park Press had an article about how the democratic Chairman has loaned a lot of money to the party. Ho Hum.

The interesting part is where they expect to do well this year because of an increase in democratic registrations in Monmouth County. They claim their numbers are now on par with republicans.

A lot of posters on the blogs have posited that this election cycle will be a cakewalk for Monmouth County Republicans because it is a presidential election and a Monmouth county Republicans always do well in a presidential year.

Maybe we should rethink that.