Monday, March 10, 2008


Stuff in the paper the last couple of days. The Asbury Park Press does not like the choices in the Republican primary for U.S Senator. They think they are too conservatives. TOO Bad. Maybe we should drag out Christy Whitman to run. Last time she got elected it worked out so well. She gets as much blame for the current fiscal mess as the rest of our past 4 Governors. I say lets give voters a real choice this time. A died in the wool conservative versus one of the most liberal senators around.

Next over the weekend Anna Little was vindicated ...AGAIN... with the creation of an economic development committee to attract business to Monmouth County. This is a response to the Fort closing and a number of large employers leaving the area , like Bell Labs . I am concerned that the committee seems comprised of academics and politicians. How about a couple of real live businessmen.
Start ups are the way to go. We have a lot of talent in this area and an incubator could help a lot of new businesses take off.
Unfortunately it looks like the Fort Monmouth redevelopment is short on that type of thing and long on housing and retail. Just what Monmouth County needs. (he said in a voice dripping with loathing and sarcasm)

The Democrats picked their candidates for Freeholder. I will not give them free publicity by mentioning their names. I will say that if we can not beat them both we should just pack up our bags and slink out of town.

Happy Monday!


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