Sunday, January 20, 2008


Late last year I ran a contest that asked elected officials to submit there best budget cuts. I did not get any submissions. I then opened it up to anybody with an idea. Nada again.

I saw something in the paper today that reminded me about this failed contest. I saw a good example of a budget cut item.

Keyport received a grant worth over half a million dollars to redo the facades of businesses in it's business district. They received additional grant monies for people to fix up the outsides of their houses and get reimbursed for things like paint.

Now not to pick on Keyport because I am sure they are not the only town getting money like this but why in in the world are my tax dollars being used to fix up private property in Keyport or anywhere else for that matter.* If our State was in good fiscal shape this would be an outrage. In this economic climate it goes beyond outrage.

Why are your taxes high? There is the answer. Because our government insists on sticking it's nose and our dollars where they do not belong. Any State politician who voted for this does not deserve to be re-elected even if it was buried in the spending bill.

There is the first half a mill to cut from the disgustingly bloated budget.

*My apologies to Keyport for the fact that they happen to be a convenient example for a diatribe. I like Keyport, but you happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Pleasant Surprises

Two signs of bipartisan cooperation in the press today.
The Republicans and the Democrats on the Board of Freeholders act together to try to straighten out a problem with the Board of Elections. It will be interesting to see if the Attorney Generals office backs the Freeholders or Leah Falk on this one. One would hope that with an ex-Judge on the Board fewer questionable legal opinions will slip through. (BTW it appears that the only reason the Freeholders did not have the high ground on this battle from day one is because of one attempted patronage appointment. I ask was it worth it?)

In Middletown at least one Democrat agreed with the Republican majority that a person who sued the town should not be reappointed to the Human Rights Committee (or at least showed a willingness to consider that). A perfectly reasonable position by the way. You have to make a decision as to which role you want to play. I do have a better idea for Middletown. Do away with the commission completely and save a few dollars. Even these volunteer commisions cost money and all they are for is to make people feel good. That however is a discussion for another day.

Anyway before I get too off topic it is good to see that occasionally politicians can put the common good ahead of political advantage. Some days there actually appears to be hope.

Saturday, January 05, 2008


Once again the Monmouth County Counsel was told his legal opinion on a high profile issue of political significance was...WRONG.

Is anybody out there surprised? show of hands please. No one.... I thought so.

Friday, January 04, 2008

A few small positive suggestions courtesy of the Monmouth Bull Moose.

Lets face it we Bloggers complain a lot but their are a fair number of positive things to say about Monmouth County. We have what is probably one of the best Community Colleges in the Country and certainly the best in New Jersey. We have a park system second to none. The County Vocational High Schools are Nationally ranked as outstanding. County roads are well maintained. The County Dump is well managed. A hundred other things are well done. We are over developed (or maybe poorly planned) but that is more the fault of the Municipalities and the State. At this point in my life I would rather live here then any other county in the State.

That does not mean there is no room for improvement or that we should rest on our laurels. If you do not keep moving you get run over.

So I would like to throw out to the newly constituted Board of Freeholders a few suggestions that would make Monmouth County even better.

1. Make the County Roads more pedestrian and biycle friendly. Sidewalks and bike lanes or at least wider shoulders would be great.

2. We need a small business incubator in Monmouth County, other counties have them. The potential for business, especially high tech business in Monmoth County is immense. We can tap that by giving entrepeneurs a boost.

3. More Mass transit both intra county and to commute outside of it. We need to find ways to make it affordable, attractive and convienant. A tall order but an iniative that will make life better for everyone as our population continues to grow.

4. Get in the electronic recycling business. With Commodity prices what they are this would be a positive revenue generator. According to a source quoted in National Geographic magazine a 4 foot square box of shredded circuit boards is worth $10,000.00. Let's look into building electronic recycling capabilities at the landfill. Good money and good for the enviorment.

Maybe none of these things are feasible but I hope this at least sparks an idea with some elected official.

Of course any politician who champions one of these ideas would be entitled to the highly coveted Monmouth Bull Moose endorsement redeemable at your local polling place for a minimium of 9 votes! ;)

IN TODAY'S NEWS..................

Lillian Burry picked as Director of the board of Freeholders. It will be very interesting to see how things change under her guidance. I wish her good luck. I think she will need it.

Democrat Freeholder John DaMico promises tax relief. It will be interesting to see what services he cuts or can it be done with operating efficiencies? This bears watching.
While I hate waste and inefficiency I also do not mind paying for good services.

The Board of Elections dispute continues. Honestly it sounds as if both sides are screwed up.
The Board is not on top of things and the County is playing patronage games. Interesting how the Lanes have popped up in this. They have been friendly with everybody from former indicted Freeholder Director Harry Larrison to Party Maverick Terrance Wall to powerful assemblyman (now retired) Mike Arnone to reformer Anna Little. The list of people they have ticked off is just as long but they are survivors. They seem very adept at making a living as "public servants". Exhibit 1 as to why political patronage is a bad thing? Perhaps.

Not in the newspaper (yet) but reported in MORE MONMOUTH MUSINGS it's Baaack!
Yes Tyranny lives in Monmouth County the Screening Committee is alive and well.
I am sure that this will be addressed in more detail in future posts.

Ahh nothing gets the blood flowing in the morning like a good news day and a big cup of coffee.

Have a nice day.

Thursday, January 03, 2008


I read the paper this morning and saw in Manalapan that a Democrat was made Mayor and a Republican Deputy Mayor. The same thing in Wall which is now made up of a Democrat, two independents and two Republicans. Republican Jeff Cantor making a heroic stand against the wrong actions of the outgoing Republican Mayor. The People in all parties in these towns made comments pledging to work together for the betterment of their towns. I rejoiced. A ray of hope and sunshine seemed to fill my kitchen. Politicians putting the common good above partisan advantage. Agreeing to disagree where need be but keeping their eye on the real ball and cooperating where they can and should. Amazing.

Then I turned on my cursed computer and read Art Gallaghers latest post. A dark cloud infested my abode.

How disheartening to be reminded that members of our own party are unable to work together.
I understand that some of them are barely speaking to one another. No wonder we are loosing seats. Never mind putting partisan politics aside they can not put their egos aside. Quite frankly this is nothing new on the Board of Freeholders. Look at how Larrison held on to the reigns of power for so long. Look how Amy Handlin was treated. This Toxic Brew has long been stewing in the Hall of Records. Alas it is not just in the Hall of Records it is a rot with in our party that emanates to some degree from every faction with in our party.

Is their no one out there who can unite us and teach our own party to work cooperatively and put ego's on hold. If so I wish he or she would reveal themselves. Please if you are out there pull Excalibur from the stone, drive the Moors from Spain, Part the Red Sea and lead us to the Promised Land.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


I know how busy this time of year is so I thought I would help out all you politicians with some New Years Resolutions. To save you all that thinking.

1. I will not lie.
2. I will be clear and up front about my positions on issues.
3. I will not try to play both sides of an issue.
4. Once I formulate a position I will only change it out of conviction not out of fear of losing votes.
5. I will be more concerned about doing what I think is right rather then getting re-elected.
6. I will not use the power or influence that accrues to me for personal gain.
7. I will not waste my time on silly resolutions and feel good legislation.
8. I will not vote for legislation that makes it look like a problem is being addressed when it really is not.
9. I will not think that more government is the same as good government.
10. I will be a tightwad with the taxpayer’s money.

And the bonus resolution.

11. I will not listen to my ego when it tells me how important I am.

Happy New Year.