Friday, November 02, 2007

TR'S Ballot Question Recommendations

Question 1: Dedicate 1% of sales tax for property tax reform. VOTE NO. It is another fiscally irresponsible political shell game.

Question 2: Stem cell research Bond Issue. VOTE NO. If it is so great private industry will fund it. This is a job for free enterprise not the state government. Plus we can not afford it. Plus it is fraught with ethical issues that there is wide public disagreement about.

Question 3: Green Acres , Blue, Farmland, Blue Acres and Historic preservation Bond.
VOTE YES. This is the state governments job. We live in a state with a higher population density then India. Preserving open space is critical to the quality of life for NJ residents.

Question 4: A constitutional amendment changing the current wording that says idiots and insane people can't vote to say person who has been adjudicated to be incompetent by a court of competent jurisdiction to lack the capacity to understand the act of voting. Hmmmm?
I understand what they are getting at but I have a better idea we should liberally construe our constitution (that's what our courts likes to do) and interpret idiot in the modern colloquial sense.
This would stop about 2 thirds of the uninformed public from voting and should insure better electoral outcomes. So VOTE NO.

Just kidding about the last one. lol.


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