Monday, October 22, 2007

12th District and guess the press game.

Wow the APP endorses Beck. That has got to hurt the Democrats. I would love to see the current polling data on that race. How much weight does the APP endorsement carry? Why nothing about the assembly candidates in the district?
Is this a part of the throw the incumbents out strategy? What will the APP do at the county level? Time will reveal all.

I am going to take a guess as to what the press will do at the county level. Lets see how I do.
Sheriff -Guadagno, Clerk Choudary, Freeholder 1 -Cantor as to the second Freeholder seat. That is a tough one. I think they want to give it to a Democrat but may be having second thoughts about D'Amico (thanks to Honest Abe) I also think they have mixed feelings about Clifton so I will go way out on a limb and say Schueler. However, I would not bet the homestead on any of those three. Let us be clear this is not who I endorse it is just a little game to see if I can guess what the press will do.

Question for everyone out there. What are the Dems spending all there money on?
I have received a ton of mailers from the Republican candidates but hardly a thing from the Dems. Are the Dems spending their money on just other Dems and independents?


Blogger Art Gallagher said...

I'll bet you a Diet Coke that the APP county endorsements are as follows:

Sheriff: Hill
Clerk: Chaudory
Freeholder: Schueler and Cantor

In the 12th, they will endorse Declan and Panter for Assembly

4:29 PM  
Blogger Teddy Roosevelt said...

I don't bet on politics any more.

Actually we agree except for the Sheriff race. You could be right. I am getting vibes from the paper (or is my coffee to strong) that they are unhappy with the negative campaign against Hill.

The only reason I picked her to get the endorsement is because she has qualifications that are so much better then Hill. I thought even the press would have a problem going with a two bit local cop.

If she looses this election it gets laid at the feet of whoever was responsible for the poor hack job on Hill

4:42 PM  

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