Sunday, February 24, 2008

We don't need no stinkin Bylaws
OK so the Sunday Press reports a 3 way split in the screening committee with regard to who will be our candidate for Freeholder.
According to the press, Adam "Bylaws? we don't need no stinkin bylaws! "Puharic said that he is empowered by the party's by-laws to make a selection in the event of a tie.
Did bylaws get adopted by fiat while nobody was watching? I would not put it past this crowd to adopt bylaws with out putting to a vote of the committee. Hell, they pass resolutions without any vote.
What next El Chairmanedente for life?
I gave Puharic the benefit of the doubt when he was first elected. I have never understood how he has acted since his election. I do not dislike the guy but I sure do not like him as Chairman. Please for the good of the party somebody run against this guy, anybody. I would take Dowd or Nieman back in a NY minute at this point.
After a revolution that called for more democracy Adam has actually made the party structure less democratic and the party less strong. He has careened from disaster to disaster all of his own making.
I repeat somebody with an ounce of common sense and leadership ability please step up and run because this party is on life support and another two years of Puharic will result in the plug being pulled.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Tone Deaf

Let me preface this with the statement that Freeholder Lillian Burry is not one of those politicians I dislike.

That being said I can not believe she is defending Harry Larrison in the paper.

She says He is being tried in abstentia. Good Grief every politician that was indicted as a result of Bid Rig has plead or been found guilty. Many of them after swearing they were innocent. LETS FACE IT IF CHRISTY INDICTED THEM HE HAD A PRETTY AIRTIGHT CASE.

On top of that it is lousy politics to be defending him. EVERY republican politician in this county should demand his name be removed from the building on Brookdale. I do not care what he did for that school. His corruption wipes out all of it. Beck, Handlin and DaMico are right.

Speaking of Damico. He flips on the issue of hiring the county hiring ex congressman Roe as a lobbyist on transportation issues.
He either decided we get more then our moneys worth out of Roe and that he can do a better job of getting us funds then part time elected officials OR he caved to pressure from Democratic party bosses. I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt even if he is a Dem. Lets face it unfortunately the way the game is played we have to fight for our share.

The APP however did not. The point of this is that in their arrogance rather then say gee maybe we should look at this again and analyze the figures, they did their typical knee Jerk. They can not even fathom that they might be wrong. This paper is a pox on all elected officials.

The common thread in these two stories. Papers and Politicians both have a problem considering that they might be wrong.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Just read this interview in Red Bank Green. While there is merit to Mr. Curly's arguement that local politics should be non partisan the fact of the matter is that it is not. Therefore in my mind Mr. Curly's views disqualify him from getting the nod to be the parties nominee.

I have no issue with someone opposing their party when they feel the party is wrong on an issue. I also have no problem with someone changing parties when a philosophical disconnect occurs.

However if you want to the nod to run for a position under a party banner there must be some loyalty to the princples and positions that embody that party. It can not merely be a flag of convienience that you change at regular intervals. The party at the local level is the foundation of the national party. Wether we like that system or not that is the way it works and that is why one of the qualifications for being the parties candidate should be fidelity to what the party stands for. Mr. Curley has raised serious doubt on that point.

While I admire the work that Mr. Curley has done in Red Bank and the way he took on Fast Eddie he can not be our candidate for Freeholder.

Well more in the paper about the county budget process. According to the Press Chairwomen Burry invoked the 5 minute rule on some guy going on about ways to save money.

Now I was not there. Maybe this guy was being obnoxious. Maybe the Freeholders are that arrogant that they do not want to hear the guys suggestions. Either scenario is possible.

What amazes me is the continued political ineptitude. Does anyone in our party understand anything about politics or public relations? For crying out loud let the guy ramble on thank him profusely for taking the time to come out and enlighten you and then move on.

Dale Carnegie where are you when we need you.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Let The Games Begin!

Just yesterday I was lamenting that things were so quite in Monmouth County that I had nothing to write about. Thankfully the drought seems to be over.

Bill Barham has apparently decided not to run. Good thing for the party. Bill has been known to say things similiar to; If I am going to run this party people have to support what I want.

That was his biggest problem, delusions of granduer. That type of thinking works when you are the head of a company in the private sector. It does not work in politics. Not all successful businessmen can make that transition. I wish Bill well but right now the party is better off without him and quite frankly he is probably better off that way too.

Onto the new candidates. So far we have Red Bank Councilman John Curly and Holmdel Mayor Serena DiMaso. It is too early to make an endorsement because other candidates might still jump in. I agoing to make a prediction however. Between these two I think Serena would win the nomination.

They have sharply contrasting styles John is an in your face slug it out kind of guy. This has worked very well for him In Red Bank where it took somebody like that to stand up to Bully McKenna.

Serena appears to be more of a consensus builder. She takes a more thoughtful approach. She has demonstrated that she can fight when she has too (she gets a large part of the credit for ending the political career of Terrance Wall which she accomplished with a minimium of drama)

I believe that the Republican rank and file will at this point in time be more attracted to Serena's style then to Johns. I think they are tired of turmoil and would like to build a Freeholder Board that has a shot at working together.

Of course the dynamic could change drastically depending on who else gets in the race.

This could get very interesting so Let the Games Begin!