We don't need no stinkin Bylaws
OK so the Sunday Press reports a 3 way split in the screening committee with regard to who will be our candidate for Freeholder.
According to the press, Adam "Bylaws? we don't need no stinkin bylaws! "Puharic said that he is empowered by the party's by-laws to make a selection in the event of a tie.
Did bylaws get adopted by fiat while nobody was watching? I would not put it past this crowd to adopt bylaws with out putting to a vote of the committee. Hell, they pass resolutions without any vote.
What next El Chairmanedente for life?
I gave Puharic the benefit of the doubt when he was first elected. I have never understood how he has acted since his election. I do not dislike the guy but I sure do not like him as Chairman. Please for the good of the party somebody run against this guy, anybody. I would take Dowd or Nieman back in a NY minute at this point.
After a revolution that called for more democracy Adam has actually made the party structure less democratic and the party less strong. He has careened from disaster to disaster all of his own making.
I repeat somebody with an ounce of common sense and leadership ability please step up and run because this party is on life support and another two years of Puharic will result in the plug being pulled.